Monday, May 31, 2010

Thank you Veterans!

Happy Memorial Day!
We were very excited to head down to the Milford Memorial Day parade this morning. Our Rocketship absolutely LOVED the action. Between the vintage airplanes flying overhead, the spectators, dogs, horses, "Big Trucks" (as she says - "That's a big truck!"), Veterans, Jeeps, flying candy, & popsicles, she had a RIOT!
It was a lot of fun for the parade goers as well. There was a heartfelt moment when the street was packed full with Veterans who had served all over the world. The announcer came over the loud speaker and said "We need to show our gratitude to these brave soldiers. Go out and give them a hug!". At that moment many people from both sides of the little downtown street flooded in and exchanged some sincerity's. It was very touching.
Thank you to all the Veterans who have served or are serving to protect our freedom! You are very brave and we are thankful for your actions! God bless you!
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