Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Trimming that Tree

Mom & Dad,

I just wanted you to know that trimming our family Christmas tree was more fun this year than ever before! I mean you practically let me open all the ornaments from their special boxes and you didn't even flinch when I was on top step of the step ladder.

I was even allowed to place all the little nutcrackers on my fingers this year. You would not even let me near them last year!

Thanks. I had a lot of fun with you and our tree is "my favorite" which is something I like saying a lot right now!

See, I didn't even break anything! I told you to trust me!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgivings To Remember


Wherever you find yourself today, we wish you a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. May you find the time to reflect peacefully on all the joys that family and friends bring (I said all the joys!), not only today, but throughout the entire year.

May you also be thankful and give thanks to God, for all we have today and always is by this grace.

Happy Thanksgiving! Make this a joyous holiday to remember!
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