Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Half Birthday!

It is easy to remember where we were exactly 6 months ago today. I was sleeping on the hospital man-chair/cot (and loving was like a sofa with sides that served to keep me from falling off!) S was resting and looking forward to her first bite of sushi and her first diet coke. And we were both silently wondering, "now what?".

Yes, that's right, today Ellena celebrates the halfway point to her first birthday. It felt as though it would never come and just thinking about the fact that it is halfway here has a dizzying effect!

We have so many developments lately, but here are highlights of what excites us most right now:
  • Holding Her Own Bottle - A few times, she has actually held her own bottle, but only when it becomes light enough.
  • A Tooth - That's right, E has cut a tooth and we can just see the top of this chomper, which is located front and center in her lower gum. Wow, the possibilities for so many new foods are on the horizon!

  • Sippy-Cup & Water - She's been eyeing the glasses we drink water from each night at dinner, so we finally let her sip some water from our glass. She did this like a seasoned champ, so we broke out the only sippy-cup we had on hand and she had a ball, both holding it and drinking the water! Currently the plan is to buy her some new cups - possibly as early as tomorrow!

  • Improved Mobility - You should see how my little panda bear can scoot around the floor. She isn't quite crawling yet, but between rolling, sliding, semi-army shuffling and other forms of ingenuity, she can pretty much get near anything she desires to.


About Barb said...

Watch out...when the crawling stops the chaos begins :) Enjoy every minute - they change SO fast!

About Barb said... know what I mean - when the crawling STARTS, not STOPS. Ugh, not enough sleep ;/

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