Monday, October 26, 2009

At Least TRY To Keep It On The Paper Child!

How great is this internet fad? We (okay, I) LOVE it! I mean, seriously, something that once piqued the interest of us all has morphed into the medium in which we communicate, entertain, inquire, and more! Some of us are even paying our bills online too! Yea, I think this thing may stick around!

Well, singlehandedly I am trying to make the 'net even better. I woke and realized that E's artwork could be captured online (Aha!) for the purposes of sharing AND archiving.

Two minutes on the scanning bed and voila...her first finger painting project ever, made earlier this year:

Her second. Clearly she was feeling a bit more confident with the paints on this go:

And lastly, her third. Hmm, I really see a transition here. She must be in her "blue period".

Ha ha....LOVE this 'net!

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