Even though we haven’t been on here a ton lately, there have been a lot of things going on in the background. A quick summary of the mess:
HAVE happened since last post (list condensed):
· Our Rocketship is at a full-on run almost all the time – usually with a scream as she trots down the hall. Have you ever been behind an annoying driver that was either on the gas or on the brake? Yea, she’s pretty much like that – standing or running.
· We went to the Cider Mill last weekend. E met her girlfriend Emily and the two were quite the pair running around sitting on pumpkins, going down slides, riding ponies and eating sugary donuts (mmmmm!). This is such a tradition here isn’t it? You could tell a LOT of people had the same idea because it was PACKED!

· I have pretty much been sucked in to Facebook. Yes, I know, I know, I put up the largest wall of resistance for the longest time, but remember even the toughest of stone will yield to the constant drip of water – or in this case Facebook. It is EVERYWHERE, is it not? About a year ago a friend commented that she couldn’t live just one day without hearing someone mention the site. This statement is completely true! I have to admit though, and I do it here quietly, FB is pretty interesting. If you can get by the whole “everybody knows everything-ness” of it, it can be very informative.

· E can get into ALL the doors in the house! We have those handles that are like little levers and she is in and out of everything. Funny actually because I can remember exactly we were when we decided to have those handles installed instead of traditional “knobs”. I kick myself now, but it probably would have only bought us a few more months at best.
· Our (read: My) Craigslist addiction is in full swing. Yes, partly responsible for the scarcity of content on this blog lately is the big CL. We have made many purchases this summer. I have also been working to clean out the garage and basement of unwanted items through both CL and eBay (yes, eBay, we are back together…at least until my monthly statement comes due!). We have also been selling quite a bit lately. It must be my personality type, but I just love meeting strangers through this “virtual garage sale”.
HAVE NOT happened since last post:
Wipeout has NOT called me. Grrr…waiting patiently here!
· I have not had any job offers, yet. I am still at home, for now. There have been some great opportunities though recently and I personally feel as though I am very, very close.
· Christmas shopping (ugh!) has not begun yet even though I have seen decorations out in some stores already (including full Christmas card displays!). As usual, we will wait until there is more panic in the air. Soon the local radio station will begin broadcasting “Wall-to-Wall” Christmas music until December 26th. Last year they started BEFORE Halloween if you can believe it!