Friday, November 20, 2009

The Last Day

So, although I haven't posted it here yet, many of you are already aware of our most recent blessing; I found a job! Or, more accurately, a job found me!

There are so many things I(we) am(are) grateful for in our lives, and employment is definitely one of them. Other items on the list include spending the entire summer (5+ months!) with E and really forming what I pray will be a lifelong bond with our daughter. I have memories beyond memories of this summer and plan to dedicate a future post here to all the things her and I took on as part of our normal daily and/or weekly routines.

Today is our last weekday together. With Monday as my first day (yes, I would LOVE to start on the short Thanksgiving week, sure no problem!), I will miss being with her terribly during the days. On the flip side though, there is a large part of me that knows heading back into the mix is, without a doubt, the right thing to do.

A big thank you to all of our friends who helped us out during this scaling back time. It is definitely times like this when you know who is really on your side. I received many messages this summer ranging from general encouragement to specific potential job leads. It is one of these private leads - a sort of a friend of a friend told me this once kind of deal - that ultimately led to the opportunity that played out to be my next gig. Thank you. You know who you are.

We are really looking forward to finding a new schedule and settling into our new groove. All this patient waiting has led to this moment, the start of a new chapter. We are truly blessed and could not be more thankful. As a friend of mine always says, "Praises Up, Blessings Down". Amen to that.

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