Okay, so if you are a regular around these parts you know that we (read: I) usually don't throw out a fresh post the same days something actually happens. Right. You know that there are a basketful of reasons why posts are delayed. And anyone who discusses this blog with me has heard me say I am always, ALWAYS behind. Well tonight is a different story!
Tonight was E's first Swimming class....and. it. was. awesome! So awesome in fact that I just felt motivated to throw it out there, like garbage on the lawn.
The idea is simple. Bring your tot/toddler/youngin' and a bathing suit for a full 30-minutes of water-treading, circle-spinning, song-singing bunch of foolishness designed to introduce them to the pool and familiarize themselves with basic swimming techniques. Well, not to sound like a pair of Nancy-Naysayers, but we were a bit nervous about the class. First, we thought that it might be a bit late in the evening. E usually crashes around 7:30 - 8:00 PM and the class started at 7:00. Because it was dark on the drive there, she was sort of falling asleep on the drive. We found ourselves singing to keep her awake!
We were also a bit nervous that she would maybe be scared of the water. (Uh, hello? What were we thinking?). For the record, she hasn't been scared of anything yet! Well our fears were for naught. In fact, she enjoyed the water so much, we couldn't get her to leave!
We have ourselves a little fish!
The best part, for us, was listening to E talk out how much fun she had at the pool...while we were still at the pool. While we were changing to leave. While we were walking to the car. While we were driving home. And even while S was reading her goodnight books. Even during the prayer! S suggested that if she liked swimming so much, she should thank Jesus for allowing us to be able to go. And she did! These are truly great times!
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