Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Leftovers: America's Birthday

This was another beautiful Michigan weekend. Perfect for running through the sprinkler...

Or just standing and letting it soak you. Watch out, Mimi, or you'll get hit too!

We continue to celebrate Rocketship's birthday that never really happened (because she was sick and we canceled the party) and won't stop happening (because we keep seeing people that have presents for her, hence song-singing, candle-blowing, etc.). We think she loves it...

This time we celebrated Papa's birthday as well. Candles go surprisingly well in watermelon.

Cousin Lily loved her watermelon and joined the "Clean Plate Club"!

The girls are always happy to see each other.
Even Midgie got in on the holiday action.
Happy Birthday, Papa!

'Til next year! Happy birthday, America!

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