Happy New Year!
Wait, what do you mean today is the 5th of January? This year is going by even faster than the last one did! Impossible! Hard to believe that E is 7 months old to the day. I KNOW!
Today was our first day back to work and it was....a.....rough.....go. I needed a bit of extra coffee to keep myself at the helm. Let's just say we had a good vacation together. Other than celebrate Christmas (several times with our several families), we really didn't do anything special. It was nice to have some time for each other though.
Allow me to speak for Ellena for a second, she had a great Christmas! It was enjoyable to watch her light up when she saw her many relatives. She really enjoyed being passed around, kissed, hugged and pinched. She also had fun hanging out with her cousins. Funny thing actually, S and I both noticed she seemed to want to stand more (supported, of course) when they were around her - like it was the cool thing to do!
As with most children, she also really enjoyed the gift-opening, although it had more to do with the tissue paper than anything else we feel, but I must say all that time we spent practicing ripping out magazines pages really paid off! She looked like a professional!
Good news too - we shot lots of new pictures and even captured some video!
Here she is in the box (of course) of one of the presents from us. No child, we said think OUTSIDE the box!
And here she is crawling, or scooting/shimmy-ing. Uh-oh, she's getting faster!
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