Monday, June 14, 2010

Detroit's World Renowned Eastern Market

With a still-"contagious" wee one and a weekend to blow we came up with a great idea that was certain to please the whole group - we decided to hit the Eastern Market in Detroit.

The last time we visited, Rocketship had such a great time tasting and people-watching. She sat in her stroller for over 2 hours! Plus, Grandma Gigi speaks fluent plant and flower, so we knew we'd have to drag her kicking & screaming back to the car.

We ran into a new friend, Marcy (on the right with the flat) who was out celebrating her week-long 50th birthday with some long-time girlfriends. Happy Birthday Marcy! Read more about her goings-on on her blog Nothing to Blog About.

We even ran into some family at the flower shed. Turns out they come here every weekend. Hmm, note to self, talk to family more often! We bought some hostas and wild grasses from them for the side of our house, which we have strategically left bare for the four-plus years since we moved in...

We ate lunch at the green awning, the Russell Street Deli, which was a well-deserved recommendation from S's work colleague and friend (Thanks, Lisa!). It was delicious, or as E says, "Ab-so-ooo-tley de-lic-ious".

Another wonderful day in the D.


Shanna said...

Totally random comment...Mel has the same exact shoes as E. We love them! Got them from the store that you guys recommended.
Glad E had a good birthday despite being "sick"

italgalmm said...

YEAH !!!!
You have a blog !! ( Why on earth didn't you say so !!) How fun.

Again...Thank You so much for taking the pics.. AND .. for the plug to my blog.

I ALWAYS say.. We meet the people we meet for a reason.

Your Blog is FAB-O... and I too plan on stopping by often... but dude.. next time make sure you put some pants on your kid.
( Dad's are so silly post too cute )

Very best to you... Grandma GiGi and the entire family...

Loren said...

Yes, we have one! I didn't mention it I guess because I thought it would be difficult to remember...perhaps not, but, at any rate, I'm thinking about changing the address and/or buying a more permanent spot for it!

Regarding pants, I KNOW, I almost lost my dad license! They are so good to us at her school...they didn't say a word (at least until I left!) LOL!

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