Sunday, September 5, 2010

I Just Love What Kids Say

As a parent, it may be one of my favorite things to observe. You just never know what your kids are piecing together inside their noggin's based on what they are learning and/or what you've told them in the past.

Setting: McDonald's, Friday evening, just the two of us

Her: "Where's Momma?"

Me: "Remember, she's travelling for work. What would you like? Nuggets? Cheeseburger? Fries?"

Her: "Oh, I remember. I don't want anything."

Me: "Really? Nothing? Okay, we'll I think you'll be hungry soon, so I'm going to get you a cheeseburger meal."

While attempting to get her to eat:

Me: Take a bite of your burger. It's just like Daddy's and Daddy is eating his." (I had an Angus burger and it comes loaded with lettuce and a tomato).

Her: (thoroughly checking out my burger) "Your cheeseburger has a salad on it!"

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