Friday, August 8, 2008

Recipe: Hot Salsa!

Pour these ingredients into your favorite food processor:

- 1/5 bunch parsley
- 2/5 bunch cilantro
- 1 Yellow Onion
- 1 Red Onion
- 1 White Onion
- 4 Roma Tomatoes
- 1 Lime (roll & squeeze silly, don’t throw the whole thing in!)
- Fresh Garlic - minced (5 or 6 cloves)
- 3 Habanero Chiles – whole – the orange-er, the better (I made that up actually)
- 1/2 Jar Jalapenos - drained
- 1 Mystery Green Chile (rather long)
- Sea salt to Taste
Other Ingredients to Consider…
- Green Onions (2 bunches)
- Carrots (5 Large)
- Round Tomatoes (3 to 4)
- Black Olives (can there EVER be too many?)
- Artichoke Hearts

Directions: Food process on the “Pulse” setting, if your machine is equipped with one. The longer the machine runs, the runnier the salsa will be. Tip: adding the tomatoes after pre-processing everything else first will yield chunkier salsa.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Makes: About 1 quart
Serves: Me, for about 3 days!

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This recipe is affectionately named B.Y.O.T., as is Bring Your Own Tissues and goes great on everything! Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, fires me up like fresh salsa. For me, the hotter, the tastier! Over the last several years, I have been able to significantly boost hot spicy immunity.

Of course this recipe can be tamed for the weak-hearted (or weak-lipped). Simply replace the habaneros with scoops of ice cream, the jalapenos with a peeled banana (split lengthwise), the tomatoes with whipped cream and chocolate sauce and the garlic with those unnaturally red cherries.


1 comment:

walleyfamily said...

Um yeah, this isn't even on the Scoville Scale it's so hot.

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