Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Latest Cutie Moment

So - I don't have any great video or a stellar photo-op, but I do have a cute story. Well, there is a long list of cute stories to be honest. But this one I found especially cute - maybe more about Loren than about Ellena!

Loren called me this morning at work. I mistakenly missed the called and dialed him back a few hours later. He was quite exasperated and said I missed a very critical moment. He then proceeded to explain that when he and Ellena were playing in her play kitchen, she picked up her plastic banana and said..... "nan-nah"! Now is that a smart little girl and a proud daddy or what??? And to think, we haven't even worked on the word banana yet! We have worked on please, Ellena, patience, bath, and many others that she is doing quite well with though... ;)

Now, if only we will get to more words and less screaming!!!

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