Thursday, September 3, 2009

You Are A Fruitcake...Welcome To The Family!

Dear Ellena,

Today I think you should know that your mother and I have always had a pact together - yes, even before you were born - to embrace our child/children for who they really are and also for who they become. We intend to continue doing so. Always. And in these current days it seems even so much more important for us to remember this agreement. This is because as you grow and develop, we can really start to see the inner you breaking out from within.

You see, on some days you are a complete goof (most of the time actually - friends will blame one of your parents for carrying the elusive dominant goof gene!). On others, you are so into dressing up. Sometimes you are a bit needy (acceptable - and expected actually). Some days you are content to play by yourself for hours (this really helps me on my job search, btw) and others you desire to have us by your side all day. We love this about you. You are a different little person every day.

For whatever reason (not questioned), you really like to wear pajamas, a ballet princess skirt, moo shoes (a size too big still!), an outside long-sleeved hoodie (even though it is 80 degrees out) and the brown hat that was accidentally shrunk in the laundry...for hours! And then dance around and make silly faces. No problems here. We embrace your quirkiness.

Here you are on a shy day (yes, actually caught on camera! This is so very rare actually. You just backed up and leaned against the wall. Cute skirt!

And Yes, I guess in hindsight it was a mistake to let you feed yourself the spaghettio's. Oh regrets here, it was still fun! And you were having fun too, just check out that smile!

We love you. And yes, you fit right in.

1 comment:

About Barb said...

Cutie! Hey, what is the paint color in your house? Joe and I are painting come colder weather and we are thinking a warmer goldish/camel color - thanks.

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