Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Trimming that Tree

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgivings To Remember

Wherever you find yourself today, we wish you a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. May you find the time to reflect peacefully on all the joys that family and friends bring (I said all the joys!), not only today, but throughout the entire year.
May you also be thankful and give thanks to God, for all we have today and always is by this grace.
Happy Thanksgiving! Make this a joyous holiday to remember!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
A little bit of "me time"
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Whoa, I almost got sick just watching our own video!
It is quite possibly her FAVORITE thing to do, so when we saw it at Noah's birthday party, we had to climb inside.
We jumped. We played. We tried not to hurt anyone...too badly (sorry, Chaz!). But more importantly, we debated for a long time about who had more fun at Noah's birthday party!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Like Herding Cats!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
I Just Love What Kids Say
Setting: McDonald's, Friday evening, just the two of us

Me: "Remember, she's travelling for work. What would you like? Nuggets? Cheeseburger? Fries?"
Her: "Oh, I remember. I don't want anything."
Me: "Really? Nothing? Okay, we'll I think you'll be hungry soon, so I'm going to get you a cheeseburger meal."

While attempting to get her to eat:
Me: Take a bite of your burger. It's just like Daddy's and Daddy is eating his." (I had an Angus burger and it comes loaded with lettuce and a tomato).
Her: (thoroughly checking out my burger) "Your cheeseburger has a salad on it!"
Friday, August 27, 2010
I Would Like To Report A Missing Tree

Take this day, for example:
I drove this little black car – a rental – to visit a company and I spent most of the day there. I chose this spot on a quiet side street because it placed the already-scorching ride into the shade. When I came out, it did not take long to realize the car was no longer in the shade.
In fact, the tree that made this a prime spot was missing entirely! I observed wood chips all around in the street, sidewalk, and grass. There was also a stump midway between the street and sidewalk that had a very, very new appearance to its grains!
All I can say is someone has skills because, speaking for myself, I would not trust even me to cut down a tree, much less a tree with a strange car parked underneath it!
You GO, crazy tree-stealing guy with skills!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Homesick Hello
I decided to post this just in case a certain someone decides she needs a little touch of home. We both miss you, Momma!
Editor's Note: Please excuse the messy hair (it was a long day!)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Seven Short Years Ago

Thank you for so many things. Among them, listening and supporting me and always being there. Know that I would marry you all over again. Happy Anniversary.
I Love You,
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Isn't IT Though?

There is another sticker at the top of the windshield and a special badge on each side fender. There was mild discussion amongst the group as to whether or not this might possibly be the owner of the T-shirt company, Life is Good.
I mean, it could be, right?
A True Michigan Summer
Smiley face floaty: Check
Green grass: Check
Bathing suit: Check
Sunglasses: Check
Sunshine: Check
Grill: Check
Good times: Check
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Lights! Camera! ACTION! (in our town!)
Example: We went to the park this evening to get our swing on (you know, because Rocketship is a complete swinging addict!) and were greeted at the entrance by this sign.

I will summarize - it basically just reads:
And here it is, a gaggle of crew members, and I DO MEAN GAGGLE! I had no idea it took this many people to "make it all happen". But they there are. A couple of guys on a camera dolly thing. Someone with a script in hand. Some other loudmouth piping orders all over the place. A few taking a break. And what appeared to be a child actor being thrown a ball by an adult actor.

You just never know what's around the corner!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
E and Dad

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Shapes are Fun!

Completely cracked me up.
Yes, sweetie, it SURE is.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Rocketship's Piercings
Earlier in the week, we stopped at a shop and looked into it and - boom - before any of us knew what happened, she was the proud owner of two new little studs!
She was SUCH a trooper too, didn't even cry. Well, OK, she flinched! Mom was really good at nipping this early by teaching that, although it will hurt at first, the proper thing to do is to say "Ouchie......I'm OK".
It completely worked!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Leftovers: America's Birthday

We continue to celebrate Rocketship's birthday that never really happened (because she was sick and we canceled the party) and won't stop happening (because we keep seeing people that have presents for her, hence song-singing, candle-blowing, etc.). We think she loves it...