Happy Palindrome Day!
Well, what do you think I am referring to? Have you ever heard of a palindrome? By definition. a palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of units that can be read the same way in either direction (forward or backwards). It is also important to note that the adjustment of punctuation and spaces between words is generally permitted for palindromes.
Now, perhaps my reference to today will make more sense. It's the date today - 01/11/10!
Want more examples of palindromes? Sure, here you go:
A Santa at Nasa!
Was it a rat I saw?
Name no one man
Madam, I'm Adam
Red rum, Sir, is murder!
A man, a plan, a canal, panama (interesting, huh?)
Go hang a salami! I'm a lasagna hog!
Can you make up a palindrome of your own?
Now, I guess if you want to get technical (perfectly Okay here, BTW), today isn't really a real palindrome day. That is because I have neglected the "20" in the year "2010". If included, the date would read 01/11/2010, and therefore today would not count. Going by this rule, the next palindrome day would fall near the end of next year (11/02/2011). But who can wait that long to celebrate palindromes!
1 comment:
Seriously??? This is your post for the day?? We need to get you a hobby!! LS
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