You know when you perform your usual routine again and again, it can become a bit monotonous. Sure, maybe injecting small changes here and there can stir it up a little bit, but overall the output is nearly the same.
This is why there has been a lot of excitement around here lately - because S decided to mix up E's typical go-to-school, go-home, go-grocery-shopping, go-to-bed routine. In her attempt to create some very special mother/daughter time together, and to create something just for E, S enrolled her in a gymnastics class!
The class (appropriately titled "Mom & Tot") is just a basic course where the fundamentals of balance coincide wit.....oh, who am I kidding? The class really allows the kids to do what they do best; run, jump, scream and tumble in a safe environment! Q: So, if it was a Mom & Tot class, why were you there L? A: (great question, BTW!) First of all, I was asked! Second, to take pictures of her first day! Too bad I forgot the camera at home though - the substandard picture below is from my cell phone! I was also there to familiarize myself with the particulars just in case I need to fill in for S one day for whatever reason.
They started by stretching (yes, I guess this is even an important task for the wee ones!) and then they warmed up by singing songs and playing with the "parachute". It was so funny because E, who usually never acts like this, was so nervous & timid when we first got there. Well, in her defense, I guess we can't really say she was nervous, but she certainly wasn't moving. It was as though her feet were glued to the mat! This is exactly what we were looking for - something new!
She really started to loosen up when the obstacle course was set up and demonstrated. Most of it can be viewed here as well as the parachute (in which the tots had been placed inside and were being spun in circles at this point).
In the obstacle course there was a balance beam (in which they held a plastic egg in both hands while crossing - like crossing the beam isn't challenging enough, right?), then a wedge they had to do a backwards somersault on (while being helped and spotted), a line they had to "walk like a bear" on either side of, then a large wall-like padded piece they all needed help over, a large rectangular foamy pad for jumping on, then another wedge to perform a forward somersault on, then the TUBE! Oh how all the kids loved the tube! And that was it! They circled several times and believe me, I think the parents were just as winded as the tots!
The best part happened at the very end of the session. After a cool-down period and a rendition of the "goodbye song", all the tots received a hand stamp. E cherished hers, pointing to it the rest of the day and saying "stamp". Here's looking forward to next week!
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