Monday, June 30, 2008

The Beauty Of Nature & Family

Over the weekend, we went over to Ellena's grandmother's house to hang out and enjoy a wonderful summer day. One of the best parts about going to any of Ellena's grandmother's houses is their yards. By chance, or perhaps by design, they are all great gardeners, with fantastic unique spaces!

Here are some pictures of Grandma DeGarmo's yard, which looks fabulous, BTW. She and her husband, Doug, have spent considerable time this season creating a space that allows visitors to become lost in the scenic beauty of nature.
This is one thing we've noticed and love about the area we live in - when the snow melts and our yards and plants finally green up, people really seem to take advantage of the limited amount of time we have before it's time to bundle up again. This is a great analogy for life too - we have to enjoy the time we have available!
Thank you God for family, gardens and grandmothers!

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