Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Day Of Firsts

Today Ellena experienced a few more firsts - she headed to church for the first time (outside the womb, that is) to hear Pastor Chris talk about managing anger ... I think she could use this since her face turns so red when she is mad and cries! Overall, we think she enjoyed her visit to Orchard Grove and the oohing and ahhing she got from friends. Only future weeks will tell...

The family also went for a little stroll today around the block, where Ellena got to cruse in style in her fancy stroller. Comfy on top of two blankets, she basked in the cool breeze and enjoyed the ride - so much so, she stuck her little toes out to feel the fresh air. Mom and Dad started to sweat after just 30 mintues though... we need to work on that!

Dad has a vacation day tomorrow and we can't wait to spend yet another day together as a family!

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