Monday, June 30, 2008

The Doctor Will See You Now

Einstein's favorite chair - he likes pink, I guess! That should be no surprise to anyone who knows this cat.

1 comment:

gigi said...

Yep, the doctor is in. He's also a lover, so watch out! My son told me he thinks he's a very hairy human, & loves people food. I found out he likes black olives, Doritos (the hot 'uns), cottage cheese, sherbert, & baked beans. (He slept alone after the beans.) Maddie, the female of the feline threesone, has taught him to sleep with all four paws in the air, preferably in the middle of the walkway in "rush hour". I helped in his corruption by addicting him to condensed milk. (Isn't it wonderful to do your dirty deeds, then leave mom & dad with the results?!) Uh-huh! Love from Gigi

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