Just a quick entry tonight before we bed down. I thought I'd share some of the latest pictures from the camera's memory card. One of the greatest rewards God has given us, as Ellena's parents, has been her sweetness and her smiles.
Oh, the smiles. They are priceless.
Would you believe we sometimes actually race down the hall to be the first one to wake her up, I mean pick her up, from her naps. That is one of the times when her smiles are more potent. She is just so happy to see us. (Well, at least I tell myself that it is us and not just SOMEBODY, right?)
Little E is becoming very, very good at her rolling! Example and side bar: I left her on her play mat tonight for a moment (only a moment!) and when I came back - oh yeah - rolled over and watching television! Hmmm, perhaps it was the television that motivated her to roll so quickly! Perhaps not. We also put her down tonight for a 30 minute nap in her crib. When she woke up and announced to her baby monitor that we should free her from her room, we we surprised to find her on her stomach. BOTH times she was not only right side up, but in the yoga "upward dog" pose. Palms to the floor, arms extended, back arched, neck poised (She needs to work on the legs though - she's screwing the entire position up!).
At this rate, she is going to allow her upper body strength to improve (something that she's needed to work on a bit anyway - her legs have always been stronger than her arms!) We've already noted improvements.

Along with the smiles and strength, there have been improved grasping techniques for holding objects. She has actually reached out deliberately and taken things from us offered to her. I know I sound amazed, don't I? Well I guess it is because I really am! I mean, she's our first, so we have no idea when ANY of these skills are supposed to happen! It seems like every time she does something I say to myself "wow, I didn't know that would happen at THIS age!".
The expressions are creeping in there too now. Here she is below, apparently a bit concerned about what I'm doing. She really doesn't know what the camera is yet! It's quite humorous - as soon as she sees it, she freezes up. What ever she is doing is on hold, so I have to be crafty sometimes and hide it while trying to capture her.