When we first started this site, amongst other things, the goal was to capture each and every new move, sound and facial expression that Ellena made. That proved to be easily addressed in the beginning. However, at this point, we're just trying to keep fresh food in the house and gas in the cars!
A lot has been happening in the last few weeks - more so than at any other point in Ellena's life, so far.
Some of the highlights include:
- Daycare: She started last week Tuesday and so far, from what we can tell, really likes it! We continue to struggle with who does the dropping off and/or picking up, but personally I have found both to be be enjoyable. When I drop her off we get to spend a little bit of time together as I wake and change her as well as supply bottle number 1. Then we're off. She has adjusted to the new faces at her daycare and really doesn't seem to mind being outnumbered by the boys at all (takes after he mom in this regard!)
- She grabs, kicks, tries to stand and talks, a lot: Night before last I was bathing Ellena and I note this as the first night she really played in her bath. Now, she typically enjoys it and I can tell by how she smiles and looks at us and the truth is she's probably just happy to be out of her diaper! But this was a really playful bath! She kicked up and down and splashed water about and pushed herself back into the water and I almost think I caught a giggle in there, too! Here is exhibit A: a photo showing her grabbing action.

We have witnessed her look at her hands and feet and, at times, we've even touched her hands to her feet and she's felt them up! It's a real joy to see her learning, especially about herself.
- Faith: Yes, even Ellena's faith is growing! She being dedicated at our church this Sunday and we're very excited for her, as is our church family. She will wear a beautiful outfit her Great Grandmother made by hand. More to come on the dedication after it happens.
Finally, a word on my duties as a father. Many people have commented to me, either in person or email, about my post labeled Daddy Doody. Mostly, the inquiries were in regard to the follow up to see if I survived. Some actually encouraged me to not be frightened. This was a good lesson in blogging actually as I didn't feel as though that was the message, but I can see how it might have read that way. The reality is that, similar to all other Ellena posts, I wrote about my time with her mainly to serve as a documentation practice. Simply stated, we don't ever want to forget our time with her and I especially didn't want to forget how I felt about staying home with her alone.
It actually turned out to be a very positive thing for both of us. I realized that it wasn't difficult at all to watch over her and it actually confirmed an earlier belief I had that I might want to stay home with the kid(s). I liked it and it was a blessing to be able to do so.
1 comment:
You are a wonderful daddy and a great blogger too!
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