We were in for it today, or should I say I was in for it. About half way to day care I realized I left E’s solid food in the kitchen on the counter. Although happy to remember the food she would need only a few hours later, I really didn’t want to turn around. But I did, of course.
After arriving at day care, I went to place her milk in the fridge and, guess what, it was missing from its pouch on the side of the bag. Oh yeah, turns out it was at home in the refrigerator! After going back to get it, the sun was clearly up at this point. I returned to the center, stored the milk in their fridge, kissed E goodbye (again) and left for work after making the comment to her caregiver “Pray the wheels stay on my truck today”.
Nothing much happened at work, except I did make it all the way into my building and to my desk before realizing I had forgotten my cell phone on the seat in the truck. Great, obviously forgetting things is the new theme. Hopefully, it is a day theme only!
In the evening, safely back at home and after dinner, I decided to check and possibly adjust my tire pressures. This is required each year as the weather cools off. When this happens, a little light on the dash flashes incessantly annoying me that my tires pressures are off. I had been ignoring this reminder for almost a week now and it seemed like a good time to fix the issue.
On the first wheel I reached, I attempted to remove the valve stem cap and found it stuck tight. Using a pair of small pliers, I successfully unscrewed the cap…and half of the actual valve stem the cap had seized on to!
As the air came gushing out of the tire at a speed that could not possibly be any faster, I could not help but just stare at the tire. On one knee, I watched the wheel slowly sink to the ground, half a valve stem in my grasp still, remembering my comment at day care only that morning.
Optimism prevails, I guess it could have been worse!

1 comment:
Sorry...I had to laugh! I just hate it when I have those days. God has such a good sense of humor! Hope you got your tire fixed.
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