Friday, November 21, 2008

Fat & Jolly

Last week S took E with her to the local mall (this is seriously one of her favorite places to go outside of Costco, her day care and Grandma’s house). The purpose of this visit was to rendezvous with Santa for her first time. The girls made it through the line and below is the result. Enjoy.

I like this picture on so many levels. She is smiling (as opposed to scared of Santa and his big, threatening already-warmed lap) and she appears to be having a good time. Also, this was the first time I had ever seen shoes on Ellena. You would never believe how “grown up” shoes can make a baby look! Between the shoes and her jeans, she really looked a bit more mature than I am used to.

Now, rumor has it the Sultan of the Sack and E exchanged a few sentences, but the conversation was masked by general mall noises and piped-in Christmas music, so we really don’t know what she “wants for Christmas”. We'll just have to wing it, I suppose.

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