Saturday, November 22, 2008

Our Gift To The Lord - Ellena's Dedication

Dedicate your life to something greater than yourself
The Lord gave us the gift of our daughter, who we vowed to raise in a Christian home. On this day we dedicated her back to Him.

This was a great day for our family and an even better day for Ellena. For those wondering what the purpose of a baby dedication is, allow me to explain. Most people have heard of a baby christening, but I have noticed that fewer have heard of a dedication. The primary difference is in choice. By dedicating Ellena to God, we essentially made a public announcement in our church to recognize that Ellena is a gift from God. A gift that, at this time, we choose to give back to Him. We promised to perform several actions, including leading her to Christ until she can choose for herself to do so. Ideally, at a point in her life, she will choose to become baptized.

For the occasion, she wore a white robe that was handmade by Ellena's great grandmother, Marlene. It was so beautiful and she received many compliments on it. After the church service, we hosted a small brunch at our home with close friends and family. It was a day full of memories for our family and we look forward to sharing the church-provided DVD with Ellena.

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