Wednesday, November 5, 2008

October Leftovers

Welcome. Glad you could make it over today. How would you like something to snack on? How about some pumpkin seeds? What do you mean the pumpkin seeds are all gone? And there's no more gooey pumpkin pie? Okay, no problem, #1 and #2 don't let me have any of that "grown up"stuff anyway. You had better take a look at these instead...

This was my first Halloween and, oh, you knew that? How?

Here I am at day care, wait, I was wearing a ghost on my head? For how long? Certainly I hope it wasn't for the whole day?

Cousin Lily as a dalmatian and I. She had such soft fur I just kept feeling it!

Me and mom

Me and Grandma Lou Lou

The three of us - ooh - three generations!

And honestly, that's about all I can take tonight. Goodnight!

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