Side Note: I have only been to Houston a handful of times, but somehow always end up eating at a Saltgrass restaurant. This particular one has been visited by me 3 different times now. (Twice with customers and once now with family) Although this restaurant does not have any locations at home, I always look forward to eating here because a) the food is delicious and b) I never know why I will find myself there, when I will be back, and apparently, who I will be eating with!
Little E was warm and cozy in her outdoor jumper, which resembled a sleeping bag-like material (in cute little girl pink!). When we took her out of it after the walk, she was almost sweating! Believe it or not, she kept her sunglasses on all morning, which invited a few photographs and comments about the "movie star" and her hired help.
It was a great time and always nice to get out. From what I understand, a record-setting crowd answered the call of duty this year, providing for a record-setting donation total! Congratulations and Thank You to Angela (LwH fan and loyal reader!) for leading the GM team as the Making Strides Captain!
10/30/08 UPDATE:
See below for Official and Unofficial team photos: