Saturday, October 25, 2008

Found: Faded Patriotism

This photo was taken, I believe, in a scrap vehicle junkyard. With the presidential election 10 or so days away, I thought it fitting to share this brief glimpse into some motorist's past efforts to display his or her feelings for this country. (probably a vehicle from Texas!)

As I look at what used to be a new shiny, gleaming bumper sticker, I can only think of how we also fade away like this. Our minds. Our personal stances. Our health.

For example, some days I am so upset at someone or perhaps I have strong feelings toward a certain topic during a conversation. Then, without warning, time passes and takes with it my feelings and thoughts. Memories that used to be crisp & fresh I now find to be sun washed and, like this bumper sticker, they flake away easily in the wind.

On the flip-side of this, sometimes things I wish I could remove from my trunk, like a worn out bumper sticker, never quite come off clean. Try as I may, there is always some residue left behind.

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