Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Trader Joes Nabs New Consumers - Cheap Wine Approved

After many attempts, I was finally coerced into making a big visit to our local Trader Joes grocery store. We were in the area and had a little bit of time (sometimes very rare), so we stopped in. It was...different, but refreshing.

E missed the whole thing because she was sleeping - with a FIRM grasp on her Republican rattle (thanks Matuzas!)

Here is a photograph of Ellena, in her usual spot in a store, the shopping cart. Notice that TJ's carts are so itty bitty, her car seat took up the ENTIRE thing! We had to have a hand basket for our goods - but that was probably a good thing because it kept us from going cRaZy!

Oh, and we definitely approve of the 3 buck Chuck!


Sheri said...

Your posts always make me smile!!

Anonymous said...

3 buck chuck... I thought it was 2 buck chuck :-P

Everything is going up!

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