Monday, October 27, 2008

Always The Optimist

I saw a greeting card once that read "When life hands you lemons, make some lemonade!"

I had the opportunity to make some "family" lemonade last week and did just that. I was returning from a business trip and when my flight was delayed significantly, it started a chain reaction in which I knew I would miss a connecting flight and so on. Instead of seeing this as misfortune, I saw an opportunity.

What did I do? I called my mom!

No, she did not call the airline and arrange for everything to work out in my favor! (although she would have tried!) Instead she, and her husband Jay, drove a few hours to meet me and share a lunch together. Even though I missed my girls terribly, it was very nice to have some extra time to break bread with family.

Side Note: I have only been to Houston a handful of times, but somehow always end up eating at a Saltgrass restaurant. This particular one has been visited by me 3 different times now. (Twice with customers and once now with family) Although this restaurant does not have any locations at home, I always look forward to eating here because a) the food is delicious and b) I never know why I will find myself there, when I will be back, and apparently, who I will be eating with!

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