Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween Prep II

I know what you must be thinking - you never read about a Halloween Preparation I, right? You are correct, Sir (or Madam...whichever fits)

This is a sequel event to an original event, held spontaneously in 2007. Well, it wasn't that spontaneous, but it might have appeared that way to some of us. (Ahem! Hint: S)

~~~ Flashback ~~~ Flashback ~~~ Flashback ~~~

Several of our friends flew and drove in on a Friday evening to surprise S for her birthday. Needless to say she was surprised - the ultimate goal. Check. Here's where the spontaneity comes in: The next day those who stayed overnight (& ultimately all weekend) drove to a local cider mill and bought pumpkins to carve (shout out to the actual cider and powdered doughnuts!). I believe SOME members of the party had never taken knife to gourd, if you can believe that. In summary, a good time was had by all, so the team decided to repeat the activity in 2008.

~~~~~~~~~ Flash forward to Present ~~~~~~~~~~

Here are some of the many photos taken during the carving contest*, including exclusive shots from the staging area, aka: the garage:

* In which there was no judging and no distributed prize - but just using the word "contest" infuses a sense of competition, mixed with a pinch of holiday sneakery & a sprinkle of suspicion.

Drew; long-time punkin' carving champion from Houston

Claim: Nobody bakes a meaner pumpkin seed than Tony the Seedmaster, from Ohio

Megan babysitting Ellena, in a designated "knife-free" area

Drew & Megan

Tony & Nicole

The final result all aglow

Lights out. Clockwise from the noon position: Megan's Wild Smile Child, Nicole's Feline-in-a-Pumpkin-on-a-Pumpkin, Anime Cat in a Box by Sheri, Loren's the Happy Squinter and Drew's dedication to The Men's Warehouse; a barbershop quartet of ghosts in tuxedos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm very impressed! This takes serious talent and carving skills. These pumpkins could definitely have been entered in a contest of some sort.

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