Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Superman To The Rescue!

We went to visit Rocketship's cousin's - Mickenzie & Cole - who were in town for a few days; spontaneously stopping on the way over for ice cream (caution: summer will do that to you!)

It was E's first time having ice cream and it just seemed appropriate to select the flavor Superman to mark the event! Any correlation between the Superman colors and E's outfit were merely coincidental!

Surprisingly, she only had about a dozen extremely-excited bites, then like a switch flipped downward she was done! Hmm, okay, more Superman for the 'rents!
Then it was off to perform one of her most talented maneuvers; gathering rocks by the handful and transporting them to new locations!

Here are E and her cousins (Cole upper, Mick lower), together and astonishingly still enough for a group picture:

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