How did we do that?
By removing unused items from the insides and cleaning them out!
How it happened:
I came home from work one day and found the bedroom in complete disarray. The bed was covered with clothes and a pile of mismatching hangers – plastic, wood, those useless thin dry cleaner type. White plastic trash bags littered the floor filled with clothes – at least 8 of them! Sweaters, shirts, old pajamas, jeans, hats – the list goes on.
After seeing how good the closet looked and realizing this was the right thing to do, I jumped right in and sorted my stuff. You know that feeling when you are so motivated to do something, you just can’t stop? I mean, you want to skip a meal because you’re just really into it? That’s exactly what it felt like.
When it was all said and done, the local Salvation Army received a carload full of clothing and some other miscellaneous items we’d let pile up for our end-of-the-year run. What a great feeling!
Living lean is a topic we discuss each year, especially around the spring cleaning season. We try to analyze each item we find and see if it can be re-used, sold or donated. It’s difficult to explain the specific feeling we receive when we toss old junk. Well, for S it may not be so difficult – she’d most-likely say “it feels great”. On the other had, for me it feels a little like that, but there’s also a bit of regret and remorse mixed in. Regret because I was foolish enough to keep the item for soooo much longer than I really needed to, often carting it around from residence to residence. Remorse because, even though I’m attending my Packrat Anonymous meetings (and they say I’m making excellent progress!), I feel as though I may miss the item – or need it the very next day. I know – be patient with me, I am a work in progress.
For now, the closets look great! Now, if I could just get started cleaning out the basement…
How it happened:
I came home from work one day and found the bedroom in complete disarray. The bed was covered with clothes and a pile of mismatching hangers – plastic, wood, those useless thin dry cleaner type. White plastic trash bags littered the floor filled with clothes – at least 8 of them! Sweaters, shirts, old pajamas, jeans, hats – the list goes on.
After seeing how good the closet looked and realizing this was the right thing to do, I jumped right in and sorted my stuff. You know that feeling when you are so motivated to do something, you just can’t stop? I mean, you want to skip a meal because you’re just really into it? That’s exactly what it felt like.
When it was all said and done, the local Salvation Army received a carload full of clothing and some other miscellaneous items we’d let pile up for our end-of-the-year run. What a great feeling!
Living lean is a topic we discuss each year, especially around the spring cleaning season. We try to analyze each item we find and see if it can be re-used, sold or donated. It’s difficult to explain the specific feeling we receive when we toss old junk. Well, for S it may not be so difficult – she’d most-likely say “it feels great”. On the other had, for me it feels a little like that, but there’s also a bit of regret and remorse mixed in. Regret because I was foolish enough to keep the item for soooo much longer than I really needed to, often carting it around from residence to residence. Remorse because, even though I’m attending my Packrat Anonymous meetings (and they say I’m making excellent progress!), I feel as though I may miss the item – or need it the very next day. I know – be patient with me, I am a work in progress.
For now, the closets look great! Now, if I could just get started cleaning out the basement…
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