One of the fun things about having a child is that it’s easier to relate with so many other parents now. As if by magic, their stories make more sense than they used to. And I’ve never met another parent without an opinion or a story about “when their kid was a baby”.
This topic came up the other day and we’ve heard several versions already – our child slept only in their car seat – she liked the dresser drawer (yes, someone really said this!) – I had to drive her around every night, then carefully place her in her bouncy seat.
These memories are great to share, so please do so by commenting below. If you’ve never commented on Blogger before, I assure you its very easy.
That being said -
Today’s question is this: When your child/children were infants, where did they sleep the best?
Alternative question for readers without children: Where do you intend for your children to sleep within relation to your bedroom (i.e. nursery in another room, crib, bassinet in your bedroom, etc.)?
This topic came up the other day and we’ve heard several versions already – our child slept only in their car seat – she liked the dresser drawer (yes, someone really said this!) – I had to drive her around every night, then carefully place her in her bouncy seat.
These memories are great to share, so please do so by commenting below. If you’ve never commented on Blogger before, I assure you its very easy.
That being said -
Today’s question is this: When your child/children were infants, where did they sleep the best?
Alternative question for readers without children: Where do you intend for your children to sleep within relation to your bedroom (i.e. nursery in another room, crib, bassinet in your bedroom, etc.)?
Wow - tough question to answer...so many places to list - on daddy's chest, in her bouncy seat, definitely not in a stroller, and of course, not in her crib!
Our little girl loved her swing for the first three months of her life. She slept in it morning, noon, and night for the first 6 weeks and she used it for naps until she was 3 months old. We loved the swing! But...I agree never in her stroller. Too much to see!
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