Sunday, July 6, 2008

This One Goes Out To All The Grandmothers...

Happy Sunday!

Just a quick post today to answer requests for more pictures. Here are some of the latest Ellena pics from this week (out of several hundred, right?). She's doing great and growing every hour, or at least it feels like it! Enjoy.

We hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!

She really enjoys her new play mat

Sleepy Time

Napping with Mommy

At Papa's Birthday Party

A happy girl in her new pink dress

*BEEP* Your baby is out - please try again later

An extreme close-up

1 comment:

gigi said...

Hey to you guys in Michigan. Thanks a million for the beautiful photos of Ellena. She is so beautiful & really growing! Those cheeks! (Grandmothers like those for some reason.) We've had a few showers so things aren't quite as hot & dry as they've been. When I get a little too warm, & just think of the cool days I enjoyed in Michigan. Well, I'm off to finish shooting off my fireworks! Hugs & kisses to Ellena & whisker-rubs & tail-pulls to the feline threesome. Mom Sheri & dad Loren save a few of those hugs for yourselves. Much love from Gigi

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