Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mid-Week Question: Is It Possible To Kiss A Baby Too Many Times?

So we have just been enjoying the you-know-what out of our little darling. One of my favorite things to do is smell her.

What? Am I normal? Is this a natural part of parenthood or evolution? Have I been pre-programmed to sample and store her scent into my memory for future recollection or reclaiming?

It is enjoyable (especially after a bath), but seriously, I think sometimes I'm going to wear her hair off! What is it about that new baby scent...oh wait, she will 8 weeks old Thursday.

Today’s question is this: When your child/children were small, how often did you stick your nose in there? And when, because I know it is inevitable, does the smell fade away?

Alternative question for readers without children: How does the inside of your car smell currently and what flavor/brand of aftermarket air freshener is your favorite, if any?

A note about commenting: the settings have been modified at LWH, allowing for anonymous comments to be made. This is especially useful if you had a foul smelly baby, but don't want anyone here to know!

1 comment:

Sheri said...

Well, I really don't think I can count as high as the number of times I kiss Ellena each day... but I do honestly think she already has one stinky foot sweat gland in her left foot! Too funny!

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